Art at Porch Music Store

Art at Porch Music Store 2025-03-19T12:43:29+00:00

In 2024, Artist’s Attic LLC merged into Porch Music Store at 1253 Liberty Street in Franklin PA.

The art division of Porch Music Store is there to help expand visual arts and support the growth of artists in Venango County, PA.

We offer:

  •  Quality art supplies
  • Provide artists with an outlet to sell their artwork and teach their talents by offering individual and group workshops.
  • In 2025, we added Paint-on-Demand projects, where the public can come in during normal business hours, pick and paint one of our fun art projects (the same day).
  • If time doesn’t permit, customers can take one of our art kits home to paint.
  • Are you an artist looking for space to hold a class of your own? We have great workshop space available for rent.
  • Are you interested in one-on-one lessons in a particular art medium? Give us a call.

Porch Music Store will support, refer, endorse, promote, and collaborate with local, regional, and state arts organizations and agencies.

We would encourage you to create art with us.